During the bidding stage members of the covens use their coven dice to bid on the power places they want to fight for. When the bidding stage is over two of the covens that bid the most start fighting and the one that wins the fight captures the place.
Bids can be made by the coven leader or officers of any coven with at least 5 active members. Each player can donate dice they've earned while playing the game to their coven, coven leader and officers can also use dice owned by the coven itself, which are either given for coven members' activities or directly donated by members.
Bids can be made on power places which are currently available for bidding. The bidding process starts 24 hours before the actual fight, but the places which are going to open for bidding appear in the list beforehand. There are certain limitations applied to which power places your coven can bid on:
- Coven size. A Coven may only bid on a power place of its size. For example, medium size Coven can bid on medium power places, but cannot bid on large, small and tiny power places.
- It is impossible to make a bid on a power place owned by another coven when your coven is already in the battle. You can still bid on your own power places to defend them. If your coven joins the battle all your other bids on other power places are returned.
How to make a bid
To make a bid on a power place go to your coven page, click the "Power places" button, find a power place you want to bid on and click "Bid".
The dialog displays the information about the place (name, income, etc.) and current bids. You can see a bid made by your coven and make your own bid. To place a bid please enter the number of dice you'd like to bid and click 'Save' button. Your bid will be recorded. You can add more dice to your bid whenever you want until the bidding is over. As soon as the bid is placed it cannot be revoked.
Despite the fact that every member of the coven can make a bid it doesn't make it immediately effective. All bids made by the members of the coven remain inactive until either the leader or one of the officers of the coven make a bid on the same place. If you try to bid on a power place which wasn't bid on by the leader or the officers of your coven, you will see a warning message. It helps prevent accidental bids on power places your coven doesn't intend to fight for.
The end of the bidding stage
The bidding stage ends after 24 hours. Two covens that bid the most dice begin to fight for the power place.
Other covens get their bids back minus 10% commission. For example, if a coven bid 500 dice, they will get 450 dice back. The coven leader or the coven officers can use the dice again to bid on other power places.
Please note that if you bid your own dice it will be returned as coven dice.